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Some or all of the features mentioned in this article may not be present in the current public release of Owl.


Extensions allow developers to add functionality to Owl. Extensions can be created to use the core functionality of Owl using the Lua scripting language. Extensions are not the same Parsers. Parsers allow Owl to communicate with additional websites, extensions give extra functionality to Owl.


The following example defines an extension that allows users to use vBulletin's repuation system on anothermessageboard.com.

<source lang="lua">-- This Owl Extension provides functionality that allows users to use the reputation system -- on AMB (www.anothermessageboard.com). Since AMB's reputation system is heavily modified, -- the generic vBulletin Reputation Extension (3.x) will not work, so a custom extension -- is required

-- The name of the extension extension.name = "amb-reputation";


-- The pretty name of the extension that shows up in the Owl configuration extension.prettyName = "Reputation Plugin for AMB for Owl 1.0";

-- The minimum version of Owl required to run the extension extension.owlversion.min = "1.0";

-- List of domains with which this extension is suppose to work. Paths are OK extension.domains = "*.anothermessageboard.com,*amb.la";

-- List of boardware versions. For more info see: http://wiki.owlclient.com/index.php?title=Boardware_List extension.boardware = "vbulletin/[3.6,4.0)/"; extension.owlware = "owl/1.*";</source>


Owl requires basic information from all extensions in order to function properly. In the above examples the following settings are defined:

extension.name (required)
A normalized unique identifier for the extension.
extensions.prettyName (optional)
The name displayed within Owl's UI for a 'prettier' description of the extension.
extension.owlversion.min (optional)
The minimum version of Owl required to run the extension.
extension.owlversion.max (optional)
The maximum version of Owl that can run this extension.